2019 PFI Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities
Are you interested in receiving valuable exposure for your company's brand? Consider taking advantage of PFI's multiple advertising and sponsorship opportunities for 2019. PFI is pleased to offer exhibitor/sponsor packages that will allow you to maximize your experience at PFI events and beyond. PFI members receive significant discounts on the various packages outlined. All exhibitor/sponsor packages are offered on a first come, first served basis.
Each level of sponsorship denotes the number of exhibit staff registrations included. If you have more exhibit staff than what the sponsorship level includes, these extra staff will be billed at the PFI Member Attendee rate. All extra staff is required to register and must have a conference badge.
If you have any questions about sponsorship, contact us at [email protected].
Platinum Sponsor $4,500 for PFI Members, $5,500 for Non-Members
This sponsorship includes:
- One 10x10 conference booth (preferred space selection)
- Three complimentary conference registrations
- Opportunity to sponsor one (1) specific Platinum Level event/activity sponsorship:
- Opening Night Welcome Reception - SOLD
- "Heat Local" Reception
- Conference Badge/Lanyard
- Golf Tournament Food and Beverage sponsor - SOLD
- Three months complimentary advertising in PFI's weekly Pellet Wire
- Mention in print/electronic conference promotions
- Company logo on PFI website; link to your company website
- Opportunity to place an insert in the conference bags
- Company logo listed in the conference program
- Recognition at conference - signage & verbal recognition
Gold Sponsor $3,200 for PFI Members, $4,200 for Non-Members
This sponsorship includes:
- One 10x10 conference booth (preferred space selection)
- Two complimentary conference registrations
- Opportunity to sponsor one (1) specific Gold Level event/activity sponsorship:
- General Session Breakfast
- General Session Lunch - SOLD
- Conference Hotel Key Cards - SOLD
- Conference Wi-Fi
- Conference Transportation
- One month complimentary advertising in PFI's weekly Pellet Wire
- Company logo on PFI website; link to your company website
- Opportunity to place an insert in the conference bags
- Mention in the conference program
- Recognition at the conference - signage & verbal recognition
Silver Sponsor $2,700 for PFI Members, $3,200 for Non-Members
This sponsorship includes:
- One 10x10 conference booth
- One complimentary conference registration
- Opportunity to sponsor one (1) Silver level event/activity sponsorship:
- Golf Tournament Merchandise
- General Session Morning Coffee Break - SOLD
- General Session Afternoon Refreshment Break
- PFI Tailgate Merchandise - SOLD
- Company logo on PFI website; link to your company website
- Mention in the conference program
- Recognition at the conference - signage & verbal recognition
Bronze Sponsor (Booth only) $1,900 for PFI Members, $2,400 for Non-Members
This sponsorship includes:
- One 10x10 conference booth
- One complimentary conference registration
- Mention in the conference program
- Recognition at the conference - signage & verbal recognition
Digital Advertising Opportunities

Advertise in PFI's bi-weekly electronic newsletter, the Pellet Wire. Your advertisement will reach nearly 4,000 PFI members, vendors, and industry professionals from all around North America.
Ads run for six (6) months; no less than two (2) issues per month. Ad sizing is 470 x 60 pixels, JPEG preferred.
- Top Placement: $500 for PFI Members, $750 for Non-Members
- Middle/Side Placement: $300 for PFI Members, $450 for Non-Members
- Bottom Placement: $250 for PFI Members, $375 for Non-Members
PFI Website Advertising
PFI Website Advertising: Ads run for six (6) months. 210 x 210-pixel rotating sidebar ad view-able on most web pages. Ads rotate every five (5) seconds.
- Website Sidebar Ad: $360 for PFI Members, $540 for Non-Members